
This section gives a description of the technology used by Zcash.

It is organized in three steps:

  • How do transparent transactions Zcash work;
  • How do shielded transactions work if the participants are honest;
  • How are participants made to be honest.


  • Each block has a list of transactions
  • Each transactions has 3 optional "bundles": transparent, sapling & orchard1
  • Every bundle has inputs and outputs
  • Outputs are notes, i.e. coins
  • A transparent Output has
    • a value in ZEC
    • a recipient address
  • Inputs reference previous outputs
  • A Transparent input has
    • a transaction ID
    • an output index2
  • Sapling and Orchard are shielded (=encrypted)
  • The note information is encrypted
    • only the receiver (and optionally the sender) can decrypt it
    • encrypted data is opaque to the rest of the network
    • it cannot be used for validation!
  • Sapling & Orchard Inputs and Outputs are hashes
  • Hashes hide the real data but they are not random
    • Hashes are calculated from the note information
    • A ZKP guarantees that the calculation is correct
  • Outputs are commitments (=hash) of the note
  • Inputs are nullifiers (another hash) of the commitment
  • Each note has a unique nullifier. The same nullifier cannot be used twice: it prevents double spending
  • Inputs and outputs are not linkable (the same note has different commitment & nullifier)



  1. these are called pools.

  2. because transactions can have more than one output

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