Zero Knowledge Proofs

Zero Knowledge Proofs are the "secret sauce" of Zcash and possibly where it differs from other private coins the most.

It may be a new concept therefore it is worth spending some time getting to know them.

Zero Knowledge Proofs

Let's say you have make calculation, starting from a value xx. Let's say for example

x3+x+5x^3 + x + 5

And the value of xx you use is 31.

The result is 33+3+5=27+3+5=353^3 + 3 + 5 = 27 + 3 + 5 = 35.

Consider the challenge:


Prove that we know xx such as x3+x+5=35x^3 + x + 5 = 35

but without revealing x=3x = 3.

That's the problem what Zero Knowledge Proofs solve!

Formal Definition

You take a computation F(x)F(x), here F(x)=x3+x+5F(x) = x^3+x+5.

The ZKP program transforms F into two new functions P and V, such as:

Proving Program P

P takes x, c and returns a "proof" p: P(x,c)=pP(x, c) = p. The person who wants to prove knowledge of x calculates P(3, 35) to get the proof p.

Verification Program V

The verifier, in this case every full node that checks the transaction, runs the Verification Program V that takes p and c as inputs and outputs a true/false value.

The program V returns true if and only if the proof checks out relative of c.

V(p,35)=trueV(p, 35) = \text{true}

Using a proving system

The proving system can do more than work with a single input value xx. It supports multiple secret values and multiple assertions.

In Zcash, the secret values are for example the output note address and value (x), and the parameters (c) are the hashes.

The sender uses the proving system to generate a proof that he knows the values of the address and the amount such as the commitment that he substituted for the output note matches.

If he tries to be dishonest and change the value of the note, the proof will not check out and the verifier will reject the transaction2.

Zero Knowledge Statements

Let's see what the ZKP statements enforce:

  • the nullifier is calculated properly from note commitment (and other hidden values);
  • the transaction inputs spend notes that were created before. With transparent transactions, it was checked by looking up the input transaction id and output index in the database. With shielded transactions, the ZKP states that the nullifier corresponds to a previous commitment;
  • note output address is calculated correctly
  • the transaction input and output values are equal34.

At this point, we have a system that encrypts and hides the transaction inputs and outputs while allowing verifiers to check that the consensus rules were followed.



  1. Any calculation made by a computer is eventually just a combination of arithmetic operations. We don't lose generality by using this simple expression.

  2. It also relies on the fact that it is impossible to find another note that would have the same commitment by the binding property of the hash function.

  3. In reality, the values are not equal because the transaction can have transparent parts as well. For instance, a transaction can have transparent inputs and shielded outputs. In this case, we would have shielded outputs that exceeds the shielded inputs. The system checks that the sum of all inputs (transparent & shielded) equals the sum of all outputs (transparent & shielded) plus the mining fees.

  4. Input and output amounts are more complex that explained here. They have a value commitment that works similarly to note commitments but take only the amount. The ZKP guarantees that the value commitment is computed correctly. These commitments have an extra property. They preserve additive equalities. In other words, V(a)+V(b)=V(a+b)V(a) + V(b) = V(a + b). Then even though the verifier only has value commitments to work with, they can check that the sum of inputs/outputs values are equal using the value commitments.

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